Update: 50 over 50 Issue News

Feb 20, 2024

When we set out to do this issue, we had no idea of the response it would receive. We are pleased (and a little overwhelmed) to say we received OVER ELEVEN HUNDRED submissions to this issue. With this huge amount of writers, we have had to change the way we originally wanted to handle things.

Firstly, the amount of time and resources we would need to compile a list of everyone’s contact info is not feasible, so we will not be able to send out individual rejections (please be aware we are doing this issue without submissions technology like Submittable. We’re still pretty old school…but working on it.) and will only be able to contact those we are able to accept for the issue. We will, however, be posting when we have contacted the successful writers on our website and social media, so please keep an eye out for that. We are hoping to have selections made and writers contacted by mid-April.

If we did not send you a confirmation of delivery on your submission, it is pretty safe to say we received it, but just do not have the woman power to respond to everyone.

Suffice to say, we are absolutely swamped with submissions and ask that no one send revisions, as we will not be able to accommodate you.

Please pass this info along to anyone you know who also submitted.

Thank you to everyone who submitted and we can’t wait to see how this issue turns out!

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